Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Quick Update

Got a text message this evening advising me that the text messaging service for my new bank will be activated within the next 10 days. So I take that as a yes, I am changing banks!! All my direct debts and standing orders will be transferred over for me and being the end of the month they have already been paid. Oh and I even get £100 for switching my current account.
Now I have to sort out what accounts I will need once I'm debt free - what saving accounts, ISA's and interest rates?

1 comment:

James Martin said...

Congrats on being debt free! That's such a big accomplishment :) I have been debt free for 2 years now and thank goodness I have been able to stay debt free. Now I like to make my money grow by finding the highest money market rates and CD rates,laddering my investments and watch them grow. I've had my ups and downs, but mostly positive things!