Wednesday, 6 April 2011

It's why we are all here....

Debt sucks and I guess if you read pf blogs you're a debt hater - your probably in the red and are blogging away debt like I am. Getting freedom from debt whether you're a single broke female and are head over heels in debt or it's single guy money issues that have you wanting to kick debt off, we all want to leave debt behind. A budge, some bills and a lot of determination is the way to finding financial peace and for me getting out of debt again. Being a girl in debt, no more spending was the single saving grace to help me to becoming debt free 4 ever. My journey to eliminate debt has been helped by blogging about my so called financial life, this has made me realise that I wasn't the only single in debt and there were others who were an enemy of debt and wanted to punch debt in the face and scream give me back my five bucks. Musings of an abstract Aucklander and midlife Mom musings like our debt blog are out there to encourage us all to be a thousandaire and look after our magical penny. So if you're a single Mom, single income - ditching debt or if you are dealing with 50 plus finance matters our debt free path will lead us all to our destination: planet debt free, where the grass in greener and we can leave our ugly debt behind.


Louise said...

wow! that is just brilliant!

LisaClark said...

Thanx Louise - hope you don't mind me including your blog. I thought it was a fun way to introduce others to the blogs I read.

Adam said...

A really fun post -there's lots of great blogs out there and appreciate you highlighting them here -we're all in this together!

LisaClark said...

Thanx Adam

girlndebt said...

After taking a little hiatus from blogging, I was pleasantly surprised to log in today to find a link to this post. It is truly amazing! :)

I know I am a little late here, but CONGRATS on becoming debt-free! Now that you have no more debt, the financial goals that you have set for yourself will be easier to achieve.

I wish you all the best!

LisaClark said...

Thanx girlindebt it was fun to write but now I think some of the blogs are no longer avaible to view. Maybe I should redo it. :)