Saturday, 14 November 2009


Winter has arrived and the weather is filthy - along with the end of daylight saving, it is enough to drive anyone to online shopping right? So... okay I haven't gone out of control but I have clocked up some debt on my (one and only) credit card. I will clear it this coming week when my pay check clears but that means a little less to go towards my up and coming income tax bill due at the end of January.
Can you believe it, I have gotten to the top of the mountain and with the weather as bad as it is in the current economic climate the view is not so great today, but regardless I have reach the peak which is the goal I have been working towards with this blog. My current finances are all taken up with paying my current tax bill and rates bill both however are not yet due for payment. Has the simple truth really got to me that I don't have any debt? My credit card is not a problem and I will clear it again on Thursday and still put a few hundred towards my tax bill but other than that I don't owe anyone anything. I have bucked the trend and the average figures for personal debt no longer apply to me.
So the game plan all changes and I have to set out my new goals (I shall have to read back on some of my old blogs as to what I was thinking of then and review what is happening now). I have a two month holiday planned for the first two months of 2010 and after that I don't really know what is happening with either work or even where I will be. I have said I will come back to work in March 2010 but the job may no longer exist by then.
Between now and then I have only seven pay days left till the end of the year and because of my spending online have less to take home with me for spending. Still even if I only have 75% of my tax bill paid in advance it will be not so bad as the interest rate is very low and I will only be changed no more than three months interest on the 25%.
My challenge now is to stay out of debt.


roaring forties said...

I've just seen this entry and am soooo excited for you.

Congratulations! I wish you debt free and happy living. You have a lot to be proud of.


Kevin Surbaugh said...

just seen this post. Want to congratulate you on getting debt free. Isn't it awesome? I got debt free back in October. Though not the way I had ever planned. Still I finally reached the goal. Now I must get my savings and emergency funds built back up. I want to be self sufficient. So much so I'd like to be able to quit my job and just live off my blogging activities.