Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Old Habits Die Hard

At the beginning of August I had great plans to be very fugal with my money and how and where my monies was going to go. But I had an unexpected Dental emergency which cost me £63, I bought a few books from Amazon and posted some souvenirs I brought in China for my brothers in New Zealand, amongst other things. None of these things were included in my budget for the month and all added up to me totally stuffing up my budget goals for August. My old bad habits back again.
So there is no way I will be able to get rid of my Flexiloan this month.
But I have been working hard these last two weeks of the month to get a grip on my spending by doing all those little things which got me out of debt in the first place.
Things like:
  • Cash only purchases
  • Putting my debit card away (so I can't be tempted to use it)
  • Sticking to my £5 a day spending plan
 Funny how it is the little things that make such a difference.

I am also going to get rid of a couple of my monthly expenses like etc. As I am just not watching the DVD's and have had one for at least three weeks now. My expenses budget is £250 a month but I will not reduce that amount rather I will allow a bit of a balance build-up which can act as an extra cushion. (I much prefer to round up figures in my budget it just makes it tidier and also easier to remember.)

 Hope your finances are ticking along better than mine...........

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Pinch and a Punch it's the First of the Month (Just)!

August has arrived and I am determined to write a quick blog today.

Looking at my Networth makes me feel very depressed as one of my goals for the year was to stay debt free! Oh the plans we make for ourselves in January hey! but then the dreams we go for in February muck up all our plans. Still that's life - I have crossed another goal off my bucket list and I feel really good about that.

This month I plan to pay £2k off my Flexiloan, which is my only debt, so that's a good thing. There was a time when I was paying off three credit cards and several loans, so really I can't be too depressed about my debt.

I got a letter from one of my sponsor kids in Africa and he writes "we (he and his family) wish to see you again but we are still hoping that you are coming over this year". (Oh man, I sooo what to go and see them all)

Maybe January 2013....??