Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Getting Back On Plan

Well I came back from New Zealand with some debt on my card and having used some of my flexiloan account. The latter would have been cleared by next week but I have just had some news from home which changes all of that. My older brother is getting married at the end of October this year, so I will have to make a second trip home. So that adds £800.00 to my current debt (best to buy tickets early and pay less).
It's not good that I just cleared all my debt and here I am back in the red, again! But not for very long. The end of April sees me with a debt balance of £3,650 - which includes the following:

£ 800 October Trip*
£ 169 Eye Test (and 2 new pairs of glasses)*
£ 560 Flexiloan Account
£2,180 Credit Card (only card)
£3,650 Total Debt (*new debt from April)
In May I will clear the Credit Card and cancel it as my new Debit Card is a Visa, so hopefully I can use it when travelling. The old Debt Card only worked at ATM's in New Zealand but the Visa one should work anywhere (in October I can really confirm this).
In June and July I want to have cleared my tax for 2009/10 and work on the rest of my debt.
In July I had hoped to have started saving towards a my house deposit, but I will still have about £1k still to clear and on top of that I have to take a holiday in October and so time off work etc. Not good when I had such plans for this year!
It's been four years since I had an eye test and as that is not included on the NHS, I decide to bite the bullet and get it done and take the two for one offer, hence the two pairs of glasses. Still it is about £40 cheaper than last time.
I am hoping to build up a deposit of £5,000 before I go home again in October - that is the goal!
We will see .............. :)