Saturday, 17 October 2009


Don't know what the problem is, maybe it is just the fact that autumn has suddenly arrived and is making me feel very down. I've not been reading any blogs and it is half way though the month and I haven't blogged once myself.

With the sharp change in the weather I have had to go shopping for some winter clothes. I have been living in jeans and t-shirts all summer long and having had a major clear out of my winter wardrobe I have had to go shopping. I headed for Primark but I really don't like that store, too many people and they always leave the shop looking like a jumble sale. So I ended up at TK Max - not that different in some ways from Primark but there were less people there and okay the prices are way higher than Primark but I felt I got some bargains. I budgeted £150 and brought two long sleeve t-shirts, a knit print top, nightshirt, 3/4 woolen coat, two shirts, a knitted short sleeve vest and some ankle boots. I didn't buy every thing at TK Max (one of the shirts and the boots I brought else where) but nor have I spent all of the £150 budget.

Well with only nine weeks to go, how is the budget going? Not so bad, I will only be able to pay off about £300 on my taxes for 2008/09. That means I will have paid off all that is currently due and will have about £400 left which is payable by January 31st next year. So that will be paid off by the first week of November after which time I will need to save another £2000 plus to bring my taxes up to date. That should take me through to the first week of December. Only nine weeks to go folks.